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The City of Ohio State Podcast

The Ohio State University hosts more than 100,000 students, faculty, staff and visitors each day. The "City of Ohio State" podcast takes a deep dive into the support services that keep Ohio State's Columbus campus running 24/7. 

Hear from industry experts in the fields of facilities, construction, real estate, public safety, transportation and more. The “City of Ohio State” podcast is brought to you by Ohio State's Office of Administration and Planning.

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Season 4 Episodes

Chris Kabourek the City of Ohio State Podcast

Episode 1 - New Beginnings with Chris Kabourek

Senior vice president for Administration and Planning Chris Kabourek shares how his path led him here and what he envisions for the future of A&P.

Chris Potts and Rebekah Gayley

Episode 2 - PARE with Chris Potts and Rebekah Gayley

Chris Potts and Rebekah Gayley, director and assistant director of the Facility Planning Team speak on how their team’s work impacts everything from classrooms to major campus projects.

Missed out on season 1, 2 or 3 of the City of Ohio State podcast? 

Listen to those episodes:

City of Ohio State Podcast on YouTube