FOD Supports Heart Walk, Raises Nearly $3,000

Facilities Operations and Development (FOD) Team Heart and Sole raised nearly $3,000 for the 2023 American Heart Association Central Ohio Heart Walk. Twenty-four members from Administration and Planning (A&P) and FOD made up the team, which was led by Mark Conselyea and Kristin Poldemann.

The Ohio State University placed in the top three companies, raising more than $73,000 with the help of 140 teams and more than 1,800 walkers. In total, the 2023 Central Ohio Heart Walk raised $1,436,147 to go toward ground-breaking heart disease research and programs, thanks to the more than one million walkers.

“In addition to all the community programs and education, they also fund around $15 million in research at Ohio State. That is amazing and speaks to the high quality of researchers and clinicians at OSU,” said Conselyea.

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