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Slideshow: A&P Newsletter - May 2024

  • A view of a woman handing out food to two people in front of the food truck.
    The Mobile Education Kitchen hosted an on-site cooking demo for UniPrint staff.
  • Brutus laying down on a bench inside an outdoor transit hub.
    Brutus Buckeye waiting at a transit hub waiting to catch a CABS bus!
  • Kyle Winkler standing at a podium speaking.
    Kyle Winkler and Ryan Mallot presented on challenges EHS faces at a large university for AIHA Connect 2024.
  • A group of runners pose for a photo.
    Lt. Bruce Allen and Ofc. Sarah Bishop provided volunteer assistance for the Girls on the Run 2024 spring 5k.
  • Dozens of police cruisers with their lights on lined up on a cloudy evening.
    To honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty, OSUPD took part in the Light Ohio Blue Cruiser Caravan.
  • Several women on yoga mats with their heads down.
    The Women in A&P ERG hosted ‘Yoga at the Shoe’.
  • A large group of people gathered in a classroom looking at the projector screen.
    FDC hosted 50 industry partners, architects, engineers and contractors in a GMP round table for continuous improvement and engagement with FDC and industry.
  • Three people with blue gloves on smile for a photo while 'plogging'
    FOD Landscape Services and other volunteers went ‘plogging’ to pick up litter while walking around campus.