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Walking with Heart and Sole

As the American Heart Association celebrates 100 years of lifesaving work, Facilities Operations and Development (FOD) is doing its part in raising money against heart disease and stroke by participating in the 2024 Central Ohio Heart Walk. 

“Healthier and happier is the motto,” said Kristin Poldemann, associate vice president of FOD’s Design and Construction team. “There are so many benefits of participating physically, but I find that there is a camaraderie that forms that may have not existed before. This event promotes participation from families and it’s such a joy to get to know my colleague’s families and watch them with mine.” 

Poldemann, participating in her third year of the walk, is the leader of team ‘Heart and Sole’. This year, Heart and Sole is already halfway to reaching its $10,000 goal. While the team is FDC led, anyone in the Office of Administration and Planning (A&P) is encouraged to join.  There is also a broader “Team Ohio State“ for non-A&P staff members.

According to the American Heart Association, cardiovascular disease occurs every 39 seconds and is the number one killer of all Americans. 

“Growing up, my family has always been active,” said Poldemann. “We have high cholesterol and high blood pressure that run in the family and it’s possible that one day, it may be something that I will deal with so it’s important for me to build healthy habits from living an active lifestyle to watching what kind of foods I consume. A healthy lifestyle looks different for everyone, but using the walk as a launching pad is a great way to start the journey!” 

The 2024 Central Ohio Heart Walk is taking place on Saturday, August 17 at McFerson Commons Park. Interested in joining team Heart and Sole? Register online.