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Tagged: Staff

Nice for Rice

While COVID-19 has impacted daily routines, Administration and Planning HR Generalist Shannon Rice says she’s found a silver lining during the pandemic.

Rice spends countless nights with little sleep, attending to Anthony, her teething 9-month-old son. Whether it’s changing diapers, getting him a bottle or rocking him back to sleep, parent duties always call. While getting workouts has been challenging, she has found much-needed time for physical fitness during the COVID-19 break.

How Breathing Tackles Stress

There’s nothing more heartbreaking than seeing a loved one battle a life-threatening disease. Kathleen Hall’s father had a stroke a couple of years ago. Now this A&P employee strives to make living a healthy lifestyle more of a priority.

“It’s become more important to me to be aware of whole-self and heart health,” Hall said.

UniPrint Workout Warrior

Every day starts the same for UniPrint’s Plant Manager Jim Strapp … in his personal gym by 4:20 a.m. for a 60-minute workout. His treadmill, stationary bike and free weight routines help him start each day strong.

“When I get to work, I’m ready to go,” Jim said. “Off and running every day. It’s the nature of who I am. Working out gives me the push, the energy.”