Office of Administration and Planning (A&P) staff are encouraged to donate food and toiletries in February to support Buckeye Food Alliance, Ohio State's student food pantry. A list of needed items and drop-off locations is listed below.
News: Wellness
Getting Fit with FITS
In January, Facilities Information and Technology Services (FITS) gathered to enjoy a balanced lunch while enjoying a health coaching webinar. Sean Moodie, architectural systems coordinator and A&P buckeye wellness innovator, polled the team to determine the preferred wellness webinar topic.
Winter YP4H Step Challenge
Put your health first while enjoying a friendly competition between the Office of Administration and Planning (A&P) and the Office of Student Life (SL).
Buckeye Love Cookie, Collateral Orders Due Dec. 18
The university-wide Buckeye Love celebration runs February 12-16 and continues throughout the year. A&P departments are encouraged to share their BuckeyeLove in unique and meaningful ways.
Buckeye Love Cookie, Collateral Orders Due Dec. 18
The university-wide Buckeye Love celebration runs February 12-16 and continues throughout the year. A&P departments are encouraged to share their BuckeyeLove in unique and meaningful ways.