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  • A&P Diversity Council - Cedric Johnson

    Cedric Johnson graduated from The Ohio State University in 2011 with a degree in Family Resource Management. That same year, he began working full-time as a bus supervisor for Campus Area Bus Service (CABS). Cedric as been with working with the university since 2007. In his current role, he manages over 150 employees and is responsible for scheduling and logistics.

  • A&P Diversity Council - Bruce Allen

    Bruce Allen was sworn into The Ohio State University Police Division as an officer in 2016 and was promoted to Lieutenant in 2019. He graduated from Ohio State with an undergraduate degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice Studies and earned a Master of Public Administration degree from the John Glenn College of Public Affairs.

  • A&P Diversity Council - Rachael Dorothy

    Rachael Dorothy is the facilities engineer manager for The Ohio State University FOD Operations Wexner Medical Center District. She oversees various engineering initiatives including utility programming, feasibility studies, new construction, renovation, restoration and utility energy conservation programs.

  • Virtual Mid-Week Meditation Opportunity

    Join Facilities Operations and Development's Alex Cramer for an optional mid-week meditation opportunity on Wednesdays from noon to 12:15 p.m., starting on November 16, 2022 and continuing through January 4, 2023. The guided meditations will focus on breath work and physical awareness.

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